Your Vocal Impact

Using your voice to connect with clients and peers is something you might not consider to have a large impact on your business, but it does.  Your voice will almost always be the first impression for a new or potential client. Your voice matters because it’s your signature-part of what identifies you.  It’s good to know if your voice is helping or hurting your professional image.  You might not be able to change your voice, but there are some things that you can become aware of to help your voice make a positive impact on your business.


The tone of your voice conveys your attitude.  Just like with texts and email, tone can be implied.  When you talk, do you sound happy, sad, rushed or distracted?  You may be choosing the right words to convey your thoughts, but tone has more impact than you might think.  Especially on a phone conversation, the person you’re speaking to cannot see your face, so is relying on your tone more than facial or body expressions.

When speaking with someone on the phone or in person try to speak with more energy.  Focus on conveying sincerity, cheerfulness and confidence when you speak.  It’s hard when a phone call interrupts something that you are concentrating on.  Take a moment, and make sure your voice is not conveying your frustration of being interrupted.


Pitch is how high or low your voice is.  A lower sounding voice is sometimes perceived to be stronger, confident, credible, and projects the appearance of more control over a situation.  You can’t always change the pitch of your voice, but you can be aware of it, and make adjustments.  Practice when you are alone, even record yourself.  If your voice has a higher pitch, work on using the lower range of your natural pitch.


Pace is how quickly or slowly you talk.  It’s a good idea to be mindful of your pace.  When you speak too quickly a person can get easily confused or not keep up with what you are trying to say.  Slow it down too much and you risk your listener being bored.  If you find yourself always speaking quickly, practice to slow down your pace.


As a professional in the business you want to share your knowledge.  That’s fine, but sometimes it’s a good idea to stop and listen.  In real estate a transaction can be filled with emotions, so feeling heard and understood is very important.  Ask thoughtful questions and actively listen to the answers. Try open ended questions so you will really know what your client wants and you can help them to feel comfortable that you understand that.

A controlled, expressive, authoritative voice will help you persuade and influence your listeners.  You will earn the respect of your peers and clients.  You will increase sales, gain promotions, and help capture your audience.

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