Exam Prep for every student! Start here to earn your real estate license in NC.
PRE Course Syllabus
Want to know what's covered in the PRElicensing course? Review the 119 page syllabus here!
North Carolina License Laws and Commission Rules
110% MUST READ! This is the majority of that pesky state portion of the license exam. Make sure you know all the ins and outs of license law and commission rules and how they can and will be applied!
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina [RELINC]
Your first stop for all things Licensing in North Carolina! Read it before class starts, during class, and after class - this is all you need to know to get your license! This will cover testable content on the state portion of the license exam as well.
SCREA YouTube Page
Math, Vocabulary, Study/Test Taking Strategies and North Carolina specific content with new videos added weekly!
Can also watch our videos right on our website: https://www.seacoastrealestateacademy.net/video-library/
CRAM for the Exam
KimCo Real Estate Education Services learning materials are designed by professional real estate educators to teach examination applicants the critical content necessary to pass the North Carolina Real Estate Broker License Examination on the FIRST attempt. Awarded "Best Real Estate Education Product of the Year" in 2021 by NCREEA!
Learn Test Pass Practice Exams
Click the picture and sign up for FREE 90-day access for comprehensive National and State Exams with question banks, so each test is a little different. You can also purchase other exam prep courses at https://www.learntestpass.com/