Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas to Reach your Clients

Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and telling your clients how thankful you are for them is a simple, yet important thing that every real estate agent should do! There are a number of ways to let them know that you’re thinking of them, and you don’t have to be overly extravagant! That said, reaching out and letting your clients—both past and present—know that you’re thinking of them is the right thing to do and, who knows, it can even lead to additional clients!

Reach out via Email

Email is a convenient way to reach your clients while still being able to personalize the message and let them know that you’re thankful for them! Again, you don’t have to be overly extravagant, but a simple Thanksgiving themed graphic with a message is a good place to start. Simply let your clients know that you appreciate them, and you look forward to continuing to assist them in their home buying and selling needs! Also, be sure to include a call to action—after all, while those who see the message may already be clients of yours, they may very well pass on your information to someone they know who could use your expertise!

There are a number of other ways you can spruce up this message or personalize it depending upon your clients, but just ensure that the message is well-crafted and thoughtful!

Mail a Card

While many of us associate sending and receiving cards via the mail for Christmas, there’s nothing that says you can’t or shouldn’t send cards for Thanksgiving! By mailing your clients a card, you allow the message to feel a bit more personal and direct to each client. As with the email message, your message should let your clients know that you’re thankful for them and you look forward to continuing to work with them. At the end, you should sign your name to give the card a more personal feel.

Again, the message doesn’t have to be incredibly long or intricate, but taking the time to write out a note to each client is a great way to let them know that you’re thinking of them!

Deliver a Message Yourself

This is obviously the most personal option of the three and, if it is feasible with your schedule, is a great way to let you clients know that you appreciate them! In addition, delivering a message in person allows you to get more creative as it means that you can have anything serve as your message! For example, bringing your clients a pecan pie or some other sweet Thanksgiving dish is a great way to let them know how thankful you are for them and is something that they can truly enjoy!

Whichever option you decide to go with, just know that it’s the message that counts! You want your client to truly understand how thankful you are for them, and how you much you appreciate the work that you get to do for them! After all, you never know when they or someone they know will need the help of a real estate agent!

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