Personal Branding Strategies

Building a good reputation is one of the most important things you can do to build your personal brand. When running a business your reputation is the most valuable asset you own. What people are saying about you when you are not around is what gives you a competitive edge, and that, in turn, will drive your business and sales up. This does not happen overnight. It takes hard work, persistence, and personal service to have your reputation precede you.

Know Who You Are

When developing your brand, it is important to think about whom you are and what you stand for. What are your values? Are you willing to forgo part of your commission to make a sale work and therefore make your clients happy? You want to show that you have integrity. Word of mouth can be your best ally and worst enemy. Your brand needs to show who you are.

Building Relationships

You know that it is important to meet people and then form relationships to grow your business. Connecting with these people on topics that are helpful and of interest to them is key.  Send a monthly newsletter with current information on the housing market. This is not a waste of your time, in that even if your contacts are not in need of real estate help now, chances are they will be or have friends that are, and you want your name to be first on their mind when recommending someone.

Online Presence

Online and social media have made it easier than ever to create, market, and manage your own personal brand. Through social media, your followers have a view into your work ethic as it’s your way to promote yourself. You are able to communicate in a way that connects with current and potential clients. You are also able to control a lot of what is put on social media to help make your personal brand even stronger.


Building your personal brand is essential, but managing reputation is equally as important. It can take a long time to build your reputation and a minute to ruin it. Remember that your behavior, whether it be online, in person, or during transactions is a reflection of you and your brand.  Consistency is the key to building your personal brand. It takes an investment of your time to make a brand that shows who you really are and what you stand for. The time and effort will pay off when you see that you have built a successful business.

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