Making the Most of a Slow Summer in Real Estate

After a very busy spring season in real estate, the summer slow down can come with a let down.  Summer is a great time to use your lull in business to increase your real estate business.  You’re first inclination might be to use this time to take a break and refresh.  This isn’t a bad idea, but you will want to use the time also to increase your clientele. Here are a few summer tasks to engage in to grow your business.

Alter Your View of your Work Life

 During the busy times in real estate, your chief complaint may be I have not time for anything other than work.  During these times that could be true, but luckily for you the whole year is not typically this way.  Take this slow time to reevaluate the way you look at your work life.  During slow times you will have more time for you.  Exercise, find a hobby or volunteer.  You may find something extra curricular that you enjoy that you will make time when business picks up again.

Do Some Thinking

 Take this time to reflect on what has been working in your career and where you would like your business to go.  Think about the steps it will take to take your real estate business to the next level.  Maybe it will be to take some classes or explore new areas of real estate that might help to grow your business.  Busy times at work make it difficult to get in touch with your thoughts and make plans for the future. Use your time now to do those things, even if it is poolside or at the beach.


During your busy months, marketing can fall by the wayside.  Use these months to reconnect with past clients and remind them that you appreciate referrals.  Think of unique ways to market yourself so that when people are in need of a real estate agent your marketing efforts will pop.  Take time to catch up on correspondence with past clients  and send those closing gifts you may have forgotten.

Although there are ebbs and flows in real estate, you can make the most of the time when you are not working with clients, and you will see how this added effort turns results.

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