Growing your Brand with Social Media

As an agent, there are a number of ways to grow your brand and reach more potential clients, and social media is one which you should be familiarizing yourself with and using in each client interaction! There are a number of reasons that you should be using social media, but the simplest reason is that millennials are an ever growing population of home buyers and they’re typically more in tune with social media! In addition, there are a few specific ways that you should ensure that you’re using social media: first, ensure that you’re being yourself! Second, you should educate your buyers in addition to interacting with them! Lastly, make sure that you’re promoting not only the home but also the area itself!

Be Yourself

Often times agents will try to build a social media presence but do so in such a way without reflecting who they are! While social media interactions aren’t the exact same as interacting with clients face to face, it’s important that you present yourself in a certain way through social media! Of course professionalism is incredibly important in what you post and the interactions that you have with clients via social media, but be personable and projecting your personality through your posts is crucial in building and even creating relationships with your clients! Finally, being yourself on social media means that clients will be more likely to reach out to you and interact with you through social media, further building your relationship in the process!

Educate and Interact

While social media is a great resource for connecting to and reaching new clients, it’s also a place where you should be educating your clients! While interacting with your clients is a great way to foster relationships with them, if you can also provide a bit of education or useful information, then they’ll be even more likely to connect with you and reach out! Being a successful agent is often built upon a wealth of knowledge of the industry, and sharing this knowledge is equally as important! The information that you share can be about anything in real estate, as long as it’s good and useful information! Whether you’re creating a short post about sprucing up your home or sharing a longer article about how to appeal to potential buyers, your clients will appreciate your input!

Promote the Area

Promoting the home that your clients are trying to sell is an important part of being an agent, but often times agents spend too much time promoting the home and not enough time promoting the area! Of course you want to do the best job that you can to promote your clients’ home, but it’s equally as important to sell the area as well as the home! Potential buyers are interested in much more than just the home that they’re buying—what are the local schools like? How’s the nightlife? What makes the area unique? If you’re not answering questions like this when promoting your clients’ home, then you need to change how you promote! In addition to helping your clients sell their home, you’ll also potentially convince other buyers that the area is right for them!

If you can accomplish all of these things through your use of social media, then you’ll find that your client base will grow and that your interactions with clients will further improve! Any agent that wishes to be successful in today’s real estate market makes good use of social media!