3 Ways to Maximize Foot Traffic in a Home During the Summer

Summer is one of the best times of year to list a home for those looking to sell! As such, there are often great homes that are listed for sale during the summer that seem to never sell. As an agent, there are a number of ways that you can help maximize your client’s chances of having their home be purchased during the summer! First, consider holding an open house during a non-traditional time slot—say 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. on a weekday. Second, consider making the open house more attractive by sponsoring it as a summer party. Lastly, bring attention to the outdoor spaces that surround your client’s home!

Get Creative with the Timing of the Open House

As an agent, you’ll be hosting countless open houses on Saturdays and Sundays, so it might sounds strange to consider having one on a weekday. That said, the weekends are the most popular time for people to want to get away and take a summer vacation—and that means that you might miss out on the perfect homebuyer for your client’s home! However, holding an open house on a weekday at the end of the typical workday (sometime between 4 P.M. and 6 P.M.) is a great way to increase foot traffic! After all, an empty open house does little good to help sell your client’s home! This strategy can vary in its success depending upon your location, so be sure to take that into account too when considering when to hold the open house!

Advertise the Open House as a Summer Party

This tip piggybacks off of the last tip in that the summer is all about time away and relaxation! With that in mind, a great way to increase interest for an open house is to advertise it as a summer party and fully embrace the summer theme! If you invite people in and ensure that they’re comfortable and having fun, then that’s a great way to pique their interest in the home without throwing a sale pitch at them! If you do decide to try this tip, make sure that you have the party during the evening when the heat of the day has subsided a bit! In addition, make sure you have plans for the sudden appearance of summer pop-up rainstorm—after all, it does little good to throw a party if it’s completely ruined by a bit of weather!

Sell the Outdoor Spaces

Whenever you decide to show your client’s home during the summer, you should put an emphasis on showing potential buyers the outdoor spaces that the home has to offer! After all, the theme of summer is enjoying the summer sun, so why not allow potential buyers to imagine themselves doing just that in your client’s home? A pool, screened-in porch, or shaded patio is a great way to catch a potential buyer’s eye—especially if they’re viewing the home on a particularly warm day! It has the same effect as a client seeing a roaring fireplace when they enter a potential home during the cold of winter!

Ultimately, a successful agent is one who is able to stage a client’s home in such a way that potential buyers can easily envision themselves living there! Due to that, why not do all that you can with the theme of summer?

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